måndag 1 juni 2015

Hello again my old friend

Okay, so I've been gone for almost 4 years from the blogosphere and to be frank I've missed it quite a deal more than I expected. I have thought of starting up again countless times but what stopped me was always time put into other aspects of my life. For example during the swedish version of high school I chose to educate myself in a technological science, which I love in practice but, as it turns out, not theory.

Which meant that I felt very lost upon my graduation and that somehow ended in me moving to China. Pretty random course of events, I know, but really it was just me trying to escape the life I felt had been set out for me. Putting yourself in a completely different setting void of everything you've ever known has a tendency to make you realize just how important some things are to you and I found what mattered wasn't what I thought it was.

 (You can read about what happened in China here.)

Any case, the topic of this blog will be my life or well the part of my life that centers around j-fashion, cosplay and arranging words nicely. Also if you did come to stay I thoroughly apologize for the mess that is this layout. It'll be fixed within the coming week or so once I finish getting settled in Sweden again.

On that note, I'll say goodbye for now and wish you all the best with whatever you have been up to since I left.