tisdag 18 augusti 2015

Ok, but can we talk about Star?

Everyone is talking about Steven Universe and Gravity Falls and while both are great shows in their own right, I haven't personally taken that much liking to them. Mostly because while the plot might be really good once you get into it, I've actually come to miss the saccharine sweetness of my weeb years and MLP obsession.

Why then have I turned to western media to fill my needs?

Thing is... the anime industry doesn't really cater to ME anymore or well anyone that's not an otaku (as in the obsessed shut-in meaning of the term). I just can't seem to find anything cute worth watching with a plot that isn't just overused cliché after trope after fan service. This problem was further explained by recently retired animation legend Hayao Miyazaki in his many interviews, so I myself won't delve deeper into this topic.

Why am I writing this then?

Because I have found a solution and her name is Star Butterfly.

That's right, I started watching Star vs. the forces of Evil and just this show. THIS SHOW.
We get to see Star who is a magical princess from an other dimension get sent to earth to learn how to use her magic responsibly, where she by coincidence teams up with your regular martial arts interested teenage boy (Marco) to combat Ludo and his evil forces (who seeks to steal her magical wand and take over her home planet). The plot is as cliché as it gets... except it's not.

Let's take Star as an example, at first glance she seems like your typical wacky upbeat heroine type character, but she's actually just a very naive and irresponsible young girl who has no idea what she's doing. Her first instinct is always to rush into things with a smile, especially battle and because she's so impulsive she often lands herself in bigger trouble than whatever she tried to fix. Because she's so clueless she can sometimes be seen as creepy by her peers but overall her charisma overrides the weird. However instead of riding into the sunset on her newfound popularity, she quickly latches onto the first person to actually critique her, Marco.

Oh sweet innocent Marco, Star's "earth" best friend. Marco is very relatable character as he is 1) SUPER socially awkward and 2) made of sarcasm and fear. He helps keep Star in line with his advice and plethora of organizers while Star helps him get out of his comfort zones in return. Their relationship whilst not being perfect, just might be the most healthy and adorkable friendship I've seen portrayed in recent years. There are of course more characters that I'm too lazy to feature here, but if I told you about them it'd be major spoilers and we wouldn't want that, would we?

The show largely deals with preteen lessons in one of the most innovative ways I've ever seen (Mewberty anyone?) without showing boring morale cookies down your throat about friendship every two seconds. It feels like it could become this generation's Kim Possible and I really hope this marks a twist back to the well written heroines that were the hallmark of late 90's and early 2000's. All in all this is the perfect crossover between a wacky western comedy and magical girl anime; with a corresponding art/music style to boot!

Honestly, what's not to love?

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